Can you believe I am a Home owner? A Voting citizen? A Retired American Worker, who didn't tell his Employee's to cheat to meet the Goals of THE COMYPANY to meet , or hit the road?
OLD PEOPLE_____Put on your glasses!!!!!! when you brush teeth---- even if you are in a hurry to jump into BED!!!!!! WOOOOOO foot cream doesn't make your breathe "mintie" or your teeth WHITER!!!!!
I'm Sorry! I just don't know why------If you live in the jungle, & no apes visit! WHY DO YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR BED!!!!! If a burglar burgles my Jungle, is it so that I will not think the burglar thinks I"m a SLOB? IS THAT IT? WELL WHAT'S THE ANSWER? Can someone PLEASE tell we the correct answer!
⛷++++Changing my 1st name from Tim to "the dude"+++++🎿 ********** "Does anyone have A MILDLY WORN MENS ROBE XL, they would donate it to a good Cause _ Rants From a Straving Artist_. **********I'm a Little short on CASH this month? CAN"T WEAR NORMAL SHOES _ Too many turns the the SNOW for 60 YEARS**********
Træsnit, Tusch og andet ¤ Woodcut, Indian Ink and more: Nyt træsnit ¤ New woodcut : Trykning af et nyt træsnit med titlen YATZY. Printing a new woodcut titled YATZY. What is the Title of the new woodcut! Thanks, Tim Peterson